國立東華大學(以下簡稱東華,NDHU)為呼應聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),設定永續發展為教育目標,並落實於教學研究、大學社會責任、國際連結與校務經營等方面,使東華成為具友善、多元、包容與循環之永續校園。

In response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), National Dong Hwa University (hereinafter referred to as NDHU) has set sustainable development as an educational goal and implemented it in teaching and research, university social responsibility, international connections, and school management, etc., making NDHU a friendly, diverse, inclusive and cyclical institution sustainable campus.


In order to realize the purpose above, the “NDHU Office for Sustainable Development, OSD” was established in 2020, and it was upgraded to the ” NDHU Committee for Sustainable Development” in 2022, which was incorporated into the NDHU Student Association, academic and more administrative units, hoping that the faculty and students of the university would understand the connotation of the United Nations and Taiwan’s sustainable development goals, and NDHU’s practical performance and governance management.

Mission of the NDHU Committee for Sustainable Development

  1. 呼應聯合國永續發展目標,研擬、推動及建構符合友善、多元、包容、循環與韌性之發展政策、目標與策略。Respond to SDGs, develop and build friendly, diverse, liberal, cycling, and resilience sustainable policy, goals, and strategy.
  2. 推動永續發展相關之研究,連結國際最新趨勢。
    Implement sustainable development-related research, connecting with international trends.
  3. 推動大學社會責任和國際永續發展相關倡議。
    Promote university social responsibility and international sustainable development-related initiatives.
  4. 推動永續發展教育,建構教職員生永續發展素養。
    Fulfill sustainable development education, and cultivate sustainable development literacy of every teacher, staff, and student.
  5. 跨領域提昇本校與國內外機構之夥伴關係。
    Interdisciplinarily improve partnership with domestic and international institutions.
  6. 建立永續校園環境。
    Build up a sustainable campus.
  7. 審議本校永續發展議案或行動計畫。
    Review the sustainable development proposal or action plan of the university.

Chief Sustainability Offices and Committee Members of the Task Force

Regulations of the Establishment of the Committee for Sustainable Development

Meeting Minutes