東華大學自 1994 年成立以來,已經走過了 28 年的光輝歷程。作為東部地區的第一所綜合大學,我們一直以來專注於校園建設、學術研究和教學工作,同時致力於推動東部地區的教育和人力資源提升。我們開放學校的資源和設施,與當地居民和機構學校分享,實踐資源共享的理念。全校師生也積極參與地方教育、文化、社區等活動,實地參與、協助並指導各類活動。
  回顧過去三年,全球疫情給我們的生活模式帶來了巨大的變化,我們開始反思,在追求教學、研究和排名提升的同時,我們更應該承擔起大學的社會責任,加強國際連結,注重校務經營,使東華大學成為一個友善、多元、包容和循環的永續校園。為了呼應聯合國的永續發展 17 項目標,我們於 2020 年簽署大學永續發展目標宣言,並連續三年出版永續報告書。我們將校務治理、教學、研究和社會參與等方面作為具體目標,通過學校網頁、社群平台、新聞發布和座談等形式,讓所有相關人員更清楚地了解東華在永續發展方面的成果。
  面對全球化和國際化的趨勢轉變,以及教育政策和環境的不斷革新,東華鼓勵師生進行跨領域教學、跨足產業、跨出校園以及跨國學習。我們不斷加強校內教師的研究投入,增訂相關補助計畫,有效提升本校特色研究的能力和成果推動。近年來,我們利用智能科技設施提升師生的教學成效,同時深化自然和人文環境的優勢,與東華周邊社區和產業聯繫,打造「東華 SDGs 智慧 5G 校園」,將永續教育的核心價值融入到我們的發展中,推動共伴、共學、共創、共好、共榮的 5G(Five toGether)模式。
  此外,我們與其他八所國立大學組成了臺灣永續治理大學聯盟,通過建立高等教育的交流網絡,積極推動大學永續發展議題,承擔起大學的永續發展和社會責任,邁向永續發展的目標。為了實現東華大學 2030 年的永續發展願景,我們將教學研究跨域能力的提升、師生健康安全的促進,以及資源運用效益的優化作為我們的八大面向,積極推動校園環保,包括垃圾減量、環保回收、可再利用品流通計畫等,並將我們的特色和成果擴展到花東地區,成為東部永續發展的領航者。
  永續發展是全球的共識和發展方向,大學肩負著教育、人才培養和研究等社會責任,推動永續需要全校教職員生共同努力。深化對 ESG & SDGs 之理解,行動實踐 SDGs,以為友善環境之最佳領導示範,以具體回應 2020 東華永續發展目標承諾宣言、2030 永續發展願景和 2050 碳中和承諾。我們將通過改善供水和供電設備、節電獎勵、建造綠色建築、減少校園交通的能耗,設置太陽能發電設施,推動綠色能源的使用等方式,朝著實現永續循環校園的目標邁進。

It was a glorious 28-year evolution since our foundation in 1994. National Dong Hwa University, as the first comprehensive university in east Taiwan, has been devoted to the advancement of the campuses, academic development, and teaching. We also direct our efforts to the progress of East Taiwan education and diversity of talent. The school is a facility open to the community, fellow institutes, and local neighborhoods. We expect to maximize resource efficiency, with NDHU members taking part in furthering regional learning, and cultural
and community exercises by participating, assisting, and instructing all forms of activities.
Looking back over the past three years, where we all have experienced enormous changes in daily routines as a result of the pandemic, it is only sensible for us to pursue our social responsibilities as an educational body, as well as teaching, studies, and worldwide recognition. We wish to emphasize global connections and school operations, and shape a sustainable symbol of friendliness, diversity, inclusiveness, and connectivity. To include ourselves in the 17 SDGs, in 2020 we declared the University Sustainable Goals, and have since published three annual sustainability reports. The composition of the reports is categorized into school affairs and governance, teaching, research, and social participation. To help better understand our work, year-round initiatives, and achievements are presented on school webpages, social networks, in the news, and in speeches, summarizing our progress in sustainable development.
We are in a time of globalization, which requires an evolving review and development of educational policy and learning settings. We have always encouraged cross-field learning, and studies with businesses and exchanges with overseas bodies outside campus. Internally, the number of funded projects is rising to build a strong academic research portfolio. Student learning results in recent years have improved with the employment of smart technology facilities. We also incorporated nature and human culture in creating an SDGsbased 5G campus with community and industrial connection, marrying the key value of sustainable education to school development, and enabling “Five toGether” (company, co-learning, co-creation, being better together, and prosper together).
With eight other public universities, we presented Taiwan University Alliance for Sustainable Governance, which advocates the sustainable development of universities, and assumes sustainable development and social responsibilities as a university through exchanges with higher educational bodies, navigating toward the goal of sustainable development. Our 2030 goal outlines eight aspects, including the enhancement of cross-domain research abilities, school members’ safety, and resource efficiency, and actively engaging in eco-actions on campus, such as waste reduction, recycling materials, and circular projects to reuse items. The results and practices are now duplicated throughout East Taiwan, and we expect to lead East Taiwan in a sustainable direction.
It is a consensus around the world that sustainability is universal. As a higher educational body, we bear the responsibility to educate, nurture, and engage in research. All of us have a role to play in this common goal. With better awareness of ESG and SDGs, actions, and best practices of environmental friendliness, we are aligned with NDHU’s commitment of 2020 sustainable development, 2030 vision, and 2050 carbon net-zero. We are to ensure better water and power supply, rewards for power efficiency, grow green buildings, lower energy consumption for campus travel, generate solar power, and use of green energy to ensure a sustainable, circular campus.
Together we endeavor to create a campus of friendliness, diversity, inclusiveness, and connection!