攜手領導力企管顧問公司及台灣德國北德技術監護顧問公司 一起邁向下個永續里程碑
國立東華大學榮獲 2024 台灣永續大學獎「台灣十大永續典範大學獎」與「大學永續報告書白金獎」,由徐輝明校長(右)代表領獎。
2024/11/21 11:15:43
經濟日報 蔡穎青
國立東華大學參加台灣永續能源研究基金會 (TAISE) 主辦之「2024台灣永續大學獎」評比,獲「台灣十大永續典範大學獎」及「永續報告書白金獎」兩項殊榮。

「永續發展是全球共識,也是東華校務推動的首要目標。」東華大學透過年年發布的永續報告書,向社會揭露其在環境保育、社會參與及人才培育等ESG行動及績效。2023年永續報告書特刊展示了東華如何將聯合國SDGs 17項指標及臺灣SDGs 18項指標融入日常運營,並通過一頁式摘要簡要分享年度ESG亮點,展現其在永續發展的決心與行動力。今年於TCSA台灣永續大學獎中突破自我,榮獲「永續報告書白金獎」。
東華大學感謝多年來永續報告書的合作夥伴- Leadership領導力企業管理顧問有限公司及TŰV NORD台灣德國北德技術監護顧問股份有限公司,與合作無間的夥伴分享榮耀,並一起邁向下個永續里程碑。
National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) earned dual honors at the “2024 Taiwan University Sustainability Awards,” hosted by the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE), receiving the “Top 10 Exemplary Sustainable Universities in Taiwan” award and the “Platinum Award for Sustainability Reports.”
NDHU President Hui-Mi Hsu expressed his gratitude, noting, “The ‘Top 10 Exemplary Sustainable Universities in Taiwan’ and the ‘Platinum Award for Sustainability Reports’ represent the highest recognition in the categories of comprehensive sustainability performance and sustainability reporting, respectively. Achieving both awards is a rare honor and a testament to the dedication of our faculty, staff, and students. It is the best gift to receive as we celebrate NDHU’s 30th anniversary.” The Director of the Center for Sustainability Development Chun-Hung Lee also highlighted the intense competition this year, with 22 universities participating in the comprehensive performance award category and 35 in the sustainability report evaluation.
Leveraging its rich natural surroundings, NDHU actively installs solar panels to provide green energy, while encouraging students to engage in biodiversity conservation through service learning. NDHU’s ecological initiatives include participation in citizen scientist projects for frog data collection, sea turtle rescue and conservation, native tree planting survey on campus, and offering related courses. Additionally, NDHU extended its commitment to sustainability beyond Taiwan’s borders by collaborating with Vietnam on research examining human-elephant coexistence strategies and interaction, fostering the spirit of sustainable coexistence with nature internationally.
NDHU also collaborates with organizations such as the National Science and Technology Council and the National Fire Agency on disaster preparedness and resilience projects, supporting Hualien County and local communities to enhance disaster prevention capabilities and reduce disaster risk. Through the Ministry of Education’s “Higher Education Sprout Project” under the University Social Responsibility (USR) program, NDHU actively engages in social practices in Hualien and indigenous communities, and fulfill the commitments made in the “Sustainable Development Goals Declaration.”
“Sustainable development is a global consensus and the core of NDHU’s institutional mission.” Recently, NDHU publishes a comprehensive sustainability report annually, transparently disclosing its ESG actions and achievements in environmental conservation, social engagement, and talent development. The 2023 sustainability report features a special section detailing how NDHU integrates the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Taiwan’s 18 SDG indicators into its daily operations, along with a single-page summary highlighting key ESG actions for the year. This year, NDHU again excelled in the Taiwan University Sustainability Awards, earning the Platinum Award for Sustainability Reports. National Dong Hwa University extends its heartfelt gratitude to its long-term partners in the publication of its Sustainability Report—Leadership Management Consulting Co. Ltd. and TŰV NORD Taiwan. Together, we share this honor with our dedicated collaborators as we move forward toward the next sustainability milestone.