東華大學攜手青年 為氣候危機發聲「每年都是最熱的一年」攝影展 火熱登場 National Dong Hwa University Teams Up with Youth Voices! The Striking “Climate Crisis Photography Exhibition” Opens, Creating a Sustainable Future Together

根據聯合國世界氣象組織的報告,幾乎每一年都創下全球有史以來最熱的紀錄, 2024年情況可能更加惡化。聯合國秘書長古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)呼籲各國採取緊急行動,以阻擋「氣候地獄」(climate hell)來臨。因而願景工程基金會、臺灣青年永續發展協會(青永協)主辦、國泰金控共同倡議「『每年都是最熱的一年』氣候危機攝影展」,在臺灣各大學巡迴展出願景工程基金會長期專注於氣候變遷等關鍵公共議題之專題報導,及2024年7月攝影競賽中的優秀作品,期能引導參與者從全球視角到在地生活,全面理解氣候危機對環境的深遠影響。


|| 從全球到在地,共同面對氣候危機


國立東華大學校永續長李俊鴻強調,東華大學在THE Impact Rankings、WURI排名表現令人感到驕傲。於徐輝明校長鼓勵支持下,即將與花蓮縣環保局合作開辦溫室氣體盤查訓練班,期待通過教育,彌平東西區域性差距。永續發展中心治理策略組陳筱華組長則強調世代傳承的重要性,並介紹即將開跑的「在東華看見永續」活動,鼓勵學生參與,共同打造永續校園。

|| 青年發聲,行動力爆發



「每年都是最熱的一年」氣候危機攝影展,除了震撼的影像,展覽還設置多項互動裝置,如由再生塑膠花磚製作的環保展板、氣候星座心理測驗等,讓參觀者能夠更深入地瞭解氣候變遷、聯合國氣候峰會 (Conference of Parties, COP),並反思自身在其中的角色。

National Dong Hwa University Teams Up with Youth Voices! The Striking “Climate Crisis Photography Exhibition” Opens, Creating a Sustainable Future Together

In recent years, reports from the United Nations World Meteorological Organization have indicated that nearly every year has set new records for the hottest global temperatures, with 2024 potentially seeing even worse conditions. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called for urgent global action to prevent the onset of “climate hell.” In response, the Vision Project Foundation and the Taiwan Youth Association for Sustainable Development, with Cathay Financial Holdings co-sponsoring the initiative, organized the “Every Year is the Hottest Year” Climate Crisis Photography Exhibition, which is touring universities across Taiwan. The exhibition features the Vision Project Foundation’s in-depth reports on key public issues such as climate change and highlights outstanding works from its July 2024 photography competition. The goal is to guide participants in understanding the far-reaching impacts of the climate crisis on our future, from a global perspective to our local lives.

The “Every Year is the Hottest Year” Climate Crisis Photography Exhibition was made possible by the efforts of the student groups “NDHU Climate Action Society” and “NDHU Bowl Rental,” in collaboration with the Center for Sustainable Development. The exhibition is being held from October 5 to October 19, 2024, on the first floor of the Library Building, National Dong Hwa University, with an opening ceremony on October 7. Distinguished guests including Cheng Chang, Executive Director of the Vision Project Foundation, and Hung-Chun Chen, Vice Chairman of the Taiwan Youth Association for Sustainable Development, addressed the audience at the Shoufeng Campus.

|| From Global to Local, Facing the Climate Crisis Together
During his speech, Cheng Chang, Executive Director of the Vision Project Foundation, emphasized that the exhibition aims to awaken younger generations to the importance of the climate crisis and urged everyone to take action: “Every corner of the world needs our efforts to tackle this global challenge together.” He also announced that the foundation will continue to promote similar exhibitions on more campuses and actively participate in international climate change initiatives in the future.

National Dong Hwa University’s Chief Sustainability Officer and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development, Chun-Hung Lee, expressed pride in the university’s performance in the THE Impact Rankings and WURI rankings. With the support and encouragement of NDHU President, Hui-Mi Hsu is set to collaborate with the Environmental Protection Bureau, Hualien County to offer greenhouse gas inventory training. This initiative aims to bridge the regional divide between eastern and western Taiwan through education. Sheau-Hwa Chen, Head of the Governance Strategy Division at the Center for Sustainable Development, also emphasized the importance of intergenerational consensus and introduced the upcoming “Sustainable Campus, Sustainable NDHU” event, encouraging students to actively participate in creating a sustainable campus.

|| Youth Voices, Unstoppable Action
The exhibition not only showcases professional photographers’ powerful images of the global climate crisis, but also features displays on waste management and the circular economy by the student group “NDHU Bowl Rental.” Additionally, the “NDHU Climate Action Society” presents the sustainability and climate actions they have implemented and promoted at NDHU, while the Taiwan Youth Association for Sustainable Development shares the involvement of sustainability communities from various universities across Taiwan.

Hung-Chun Chen, Vice Chairman of the Taiwan Youth Association for Sustainable Development, stated, “Sustainable development must begin with the youth. Through the association’s ‘Campus Manager Program,’ we hope to cultivate more campus sustainability leaders.” He thanked NDHU for its support of students and the younger generation and praised the creativity and dedication of NDHU’s student teams in their climate action efforts, encouraging more young people to join the sustainability movement.

In addition to the powerful images, the “Every Year is the Hottest Year” Climate Crisis Photography Exhibition features several interactive installations, such as eco-friendly display boards made from recycled plastic tiles and a “Climate Constellation Personality Test.” These elements engage visitors more deeply in understanding climate change, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (Conference of Parties, COP), and reflecting on their own roles in these issues.

You are currently viewing 東華大學攜手青年 為氣候危機發聲「每年都是最熱的一年」攝影展 火熱登場 National Dong Hwa University Teams Up with Youth Voices! The Striking “Climate Crisis Photography Exhibition” Opens, Creating a Sustainable Future Together