To cultivate sustainability knowledge and enrich students’ practical experience in sustainability report, the Center for Sustainable Development, National Dong Hwa University in collaboration with the Student Association’s Academic Department Sustainability Team, organized the “Introduction to Sustainability Report Course” on the evening of December 5. A total of 57 staff members and students participated in the event. The course was led by Manager Yu-Hao Cheng from Leadership Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (Leadership Management).
The course began with opening remarks by Sheau-Hwa Chen, the Head of the Governance and Strategy Division at the Center for Sustainable Development. She expressed gratitude for the encouragement and support from former President Han-Chieh Chao and current President Hui-Mi Hsu. Thanks to the collective efforts of the university’s administrative and academic systems, five sustainability reports have been published to date, four of which have been verified by third parties. Chen emphasized that the university will continue to regularly release sustainability reports verified by external parties, and hopes that all participants will pay attention to and actively practice sustainability.
Manager Cheng from Leadership Management began by introducing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a starting point. He covered the basics of sustainability and shared how to build sustainability knowledge from the ground up. He further explored industry practices, how to respond to sustainability demands, and the integration of climate change issues into sustainability reports. At the end of the course, participants engaged in group exercises, where they applied practical skills in preparing sustainability reports. The simple and accessible approach helped attendees overcome challenges in reading and understanding sustainability reports.
Sustainability development requires collective collaboration and teamwork. Students are one of the university’s key stakeholders, and through industry-academia collaboration, the university aims to empower students and provide participants with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the most pressing global sustainability issues. Together, we strive for a sustainable future.