國立東華大學永續發展中心為擴展永續發展議題上的夥伴關係,於12月5日與印尼Universitas Pertamina簽署合作備忘錄(MOU),經由雙方專業資源的投入與結合,積極開展學術研究、社區服務等之合作,共同實踐聯合國的各類永續發展目標(SDGs)。
於簽署合作備忘錄前,Universitas Pertamina一行專程拜會東華大學徐輝明校長,徐校長表示,Universitas Pertamina已規劃於2025年6月舉辦韌性暨永續發展之國際研討會,並邀請東華共同主辦,期望兩校未來在學術與實踐的方向持續緊密合作。東華永續長李俊鴻教授特別感謝徐輝明校長的大力支持,並說明此次與Universitas Pertamina之跨國合作範圍,主要針對發展印尼在各類環境與永續的適應性管理評估系統進行建構,並逐年規劃出其行動方案。東華大學在過去三年,已與Universitas Pertamina研究團隊,共同就社區為本的適應性衛生和保護計劃,與永續觀光及廢棄物調適管理的議題完成各項計畫,共同發表在Tourism Management、Journal of Cleaner Production及Sustainable Cities and Society等國際頂級期刊。兩校未來將共同推動印尼峇里島鯨鯊保育調適管理與價值評估計畫,並持續深化兩校的國際伙伴關係。
適應性管理是一結構化、持續監測與學習反饋的過程,更能為面對不確定因素,做出穩健決策基礎,且政府或組織於推動永續發展過程,不能忽略利害關係人的意見,如何聚焦、收斂,並再形成行動方案、落實推動。Universitas Pertamina將藉由與東華大學永續發展中心及環境暨海洋學院碳中和研究中心等團隊的密切合作,共同參與印尼適應性管理評估工作,建置方法學及提出行動策略,期能更有效整合國家資源,提升相關研究的深度與廣度,創造優質且永續的科研場域。
To expand partnerships on sustainability issues, the Center for Sustainable Development, National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Universitas Pertamina, Indonesia, on December 5 in the morning. Through the integration and application of both institutions’ professional resources, the collaboration aims to actively promote academic research, community services, and the realization of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Prior to the signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the Universitas Pertamina delegation paid a special visit to National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) President Hui-Mi Hsu. President Hsu remarked that Universitas Pertamina has scheduled an international symposium on resilience and sustainable development for June 2025, extending an invitation for NDHU to co-host the event. He expressed his hopes for continued close collaboration between the two universities in both academic and practical pursuits. NDHU’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Chun-Hung Lee expressed gratitude for President Hsu’s strong support and outlined the scope of this transnational collaboration with Universitas Pertamina. The focus is on the development of adaptive management evaluation systems for various environmental and sustainability challenges in Indonesia, with action plans to be systematically designed over the coming years. Over the past three years, NDHU and Universitas Pertamina research teams have collaborated on multiple projects, including community-based adaptive health and conservation programs, sustainable tourism, and adaptive waste management. Their joint research has been published in leading international journals such as Tourism Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Sustainable Cities and Society. Looking ahead, the two universities will jointly promote an adaptive management and value assessment project for whale shark conservation in Bali, Indonesia, while continuing to deepen their international partnership.
Adaptive management is a structured process involving continuous monitoring and learning feedback, providing a robust foundation for decision-making in the face of uncertainty. Moreover, in promoting sustainable development, governments or organizations must not overlook stakeholder perspectives. It is crucial to focus, synthesize, and transform these insights into actionable plans that can be effectively implemented. Universitas Pertamina will closely collaborate with NDHU’s Center for Sustainable Development and Carbon Neutral Research Center in the College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography to participate in the adaptive management evaluation initiative in Indonesia. This partnership aims to establish methodologies and propose action strategies that effectively integrate national resources, enhance the depth and breadth of related research, and foster a high-quality, sustainable research environment.
# NDHU、# Universitas Pertamina、# Adaptive Management