聚共識! 齊出發! 國立東華大學推動ESG新里程碑 Consensus Building! Moving Forward Together! National Dong Hwa University Advances ESG Milestone



  • 管理學院與門諾醫院建立醫療大數據資料庫,製作Moocs影片和生態導覽系統(SDG 3 、SDG 17)
  • 原住民民族學院推動建構原住民教育文化知識體系,提升和平正義的制度(SDG 10、SDG 16)
  • 花師教育學院推動性別平權教育,結合教育與性別議題,舉辦小小領袖育樂營、偏鄉閱讀活動(SDG 4、SDG 5、SDG 16)
  • 教務處計劃將SDGs導入校內課程系統(SDG 4)
  • 學生事務處著眼交通安全、性別平等、永續市集(SDG 3、SDG 4、SDG 12)
  • 總務處延續節能舉措、提升能源效率(SDG 7)
  • 圖書資訊處搭建5G專網,將AI導入校園,建置東華專屬GPT系統(SDG 11)。

王聖源總經理分享 ESG 人才培育趨勢、企業在環境保育、社會責任和治理結構的長期承諾與成果、大學淨零或碳中和策略制定及實踐,和其他大學推動SDGs與永續實績,也介紹氣候變遷因應法進程、臺灣在碳權交易市場,與探討企業設定減碳目標及碳捕捉技術的發展。


ESG是當今全球熱門話題,國立東華大學為了讓ESG與SDGs理念貫徹校園,不僅設置專責永續發展中心,更在2024年紮根期延聘核心單位主管擔任單位永續長、永續工作小組委員,高規格的層級與規模,在國內大學中實屬罕見。 被譽為花東縱谷學術殿堂的國立東華大學,雖還處於0403地震災後復原中,仍堅持永續發展目標宣言,回應聯合國、臺灣的SDGs與 2030 永續發展藍圖八大願景,期能更與校務治理、中長程發展計畫緊密連結,朝徐輝明校長「學術國際化、服務在地化」的方向前進。

To enhance the Task Force’s understanding of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) trends and to develop campus partnerships, National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) held the “ESG Sustainability Consensus Camp” in Taitung from June 17 to June 18, 2024. The event featured Mr. Edison Wang, General Manager of Leadership Management Consulting Co. Ltd., sharing insights on ESG-related topics.

The consensus camp began with examining NDHU’s on-going projects and found significant alignment with several SDG indicators. Evidently ESG has been deeply rooted across the campus. Examples include:

● The College of Management collaborates with Mennonite Christian Hospital to establish a medical big data database, create MOOCs, and develop an ecological tour system (SDG 3, SDG 17).

● The College of Indigenous Studies promotes the construction of an indigenous education and cultural knowledge system, enhancing peace and justice institutions (SDG 10, SDG 16).

● The College of Education advances gender equality education, combining education and gender issues, and organizes leadership camps and reading activities in rural areas (SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 16).

● The Office of Academic Affairs plans to integrate SDGs into the campus curriculum system (SDG 4).

● The Office of Student Affairs focuses on traffic safety, gender equality, and sustainable markets (SDG 3, SDG 4, SDG 12).

● The Office of General Affairs continues energy-saving measures and improved energy efficiency (SDG 7).

● The Library and Information Center builds a 5G private network and introduced AI on campus, establishing a dedicated GPT system for NDHU (SDG 11).

General Manager Edison Wang shared trends in ESG talent cultivation, long-term commitments and achievements of enterprises in environmental conservation, social responsibility, and governance structure, strategies and practices for achieving university carbon neutrality or net-zero, and SDG and sustainability accomplishments of other universities. He introduced the progress of climate change laws, Taiwan’s carbon trading market, corporate carbon reduction targets, and carbon capture technology development.

The consensus camp also visited the Vakangan Hot Spring Park in Yan-Ping Township, Taitung County, to observe the operation of geothermal power generation, energy planning, indigenous tribal or cultural preservation, and the operational model of the green energy hot spring park tourism industry. An evident example of sustainable development was witnessed and greatly appreciated.

ESG has become a prominent issue globally. To implement ESG and SDGs concepts throughout the campus, NDHU has not only established a dedicated Sustainability Development Center in 2024 but also appointed top executives as Unit Sustainability Officers in the introduction stage. This high-level and large-scale initiative is unique among Taiwan’s universities. Despite still striving to recover from the April 3 earthquake disaster, NDHU, known as the academics center of the East Longitudinal Valley, remains committed to its sustainability goals. Responding to the UN and Taiwan’s SDGs and the 2030 Sustainable Development Blueprint’s eight visions, NDHU aims to closely integrate these with university governance and mid-to-long-term development plans, moving towards President Hui-Mi Hsu’s declaration of “academic internationalization, local service.”

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