永續發展已成為大學不可或缺的核心議題,亦為國立東華大學大家長徐輝明校長積極推動的校務治理軸線之一。為協助東華大學教職員生及位居花蓮的企業、關注永續議題的社會大眾更認識永續管理國際趨勢和管理標準,且能於瞭解後,再找到自己持續深耕或精進的永續議題,永續發展中心籌備處邀請領導力企業管理顧問公司王聖源總經理兼首席顧問師、鄭瑜皓經理及蕭百淳經理,自113年2月20日起至113年3月12日止,舉辦免費永續管理師系列三部曲之實體暨視訊工作坊,內容含括ESG(環境、社會、治理)國際永續趨勢潮流、GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)、TCFD (Climate-related Financial Disclosures)及SBT (Science Based Targets)等,共計吸引158人次參與。
然而,為什麼企業或大學需編製與發布永續報告書呢?由「第二部曲:認識ESG國際永續趨勢潮流」王聖源總經理為在場的59位參與者解惑。經解析相關名詞、闡述ESG(環境、社會、治理)發展現況、聯合國永續發展目標 (UN SDGs),和分享精選優質企業永續報告書內容架構,讓大家更明瞭ESG國際永續趨勢潮流,並更加認識1本永續報告書需蘊含的內容。
Sustainable development has become an indispensable core issue for universities, and it is one of the key axes of university governance actively promoted by President Hui-Mi Hsu of National Dong Hwa University. In order to assist faculty, students, and businesses in Hualien, as well as the general public concerned with sustainable issues, in gaining a better understanding of international trends and standards in sustainable management, and to help them identify sustainable issues for further cultivation or improvement after understanding, the Provisional Center for Sustainable Development invited Edsion Wang, General Manager and Chief Consultant of the Leadership Management Consulting Co., Ltd., along with Manager Yu-Hao Cheng and Manager Pai-Chun Hsiao, to conduct a series of three free workshops on sustainable manager, both in person and online video, from February 20th to March 12th, 2024, attracting a total of 158 participants.
In the first part, titled ” Key Chapter of Sustainability Report – Understanding Sustainable Management Standards – GRI”, Manager Yu-Hao Cheng shared with the participants the responsibilities of “Sustainable Manager” in government regulatory agencies, corporate roles, stakeholders, external verification units, consulting firms, and introduced the framework of GRI guidelines that can be referenced when compiling sustainability reports, as well as how to identify material topics of reports through stakeholder questionnaire results.
However, why do companies or universities need to compile and publish sustainability reports? This was clarified by General Manager Edsion Wang in the second part, titled “Understanding International ESG Sustainability Trends”. By decoding relevant terms, explaining the current development of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and sharing the content structure of selected high-quality corporate sustainability reports, participants gained a clearer understanding of international trends in ESG sustainability and a deeper awareness of the content required in a sustainability report.
The third part, “New Chapter in ESG Reporting – TCFD and SBT”, led by Manager Bai-Chun Hsiao, addressed climate change issues and their potential impact on us, sharing carbon reduction targets and commitments from various countries and Taiwan, carbon management-related standards, and how companies or universities respond to the “carbon” issue and projects underway for carbon reduction, with 48 participants. Through these workshops, we not only enhanced understanding of ESG, GRI, TCFD, and SBT standards and frameworks but more importantly, provided practical knowledge and tools to support participants in better addressing the challenges of sustainable management in their respective fields. With the strong support of President Hui-Mi Hsu, we will continue to hold similar workshops, making more positive contributions to promoting sustainable development.